Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This is what made me who I am today. The only reason I am here in college is because, my brother went to college. I know what you think anyone’s brother can go to college. My brother encourage me and he didn’t know he always seemed so smart and had good jobs and has a lot of things that I want but without a degree theses days it hard to get a good job. I just always looked up to him like he was so smart and educated and I wanted to be just like my brother. Also, I know that he would always be there to help me on anything I need help on he always showed me how to do something if I didn’t understand it. My brother shaped me into the guy I am today by just setting a good example for me and show me you can accomplish anything with just hard work and time. I wonder what I would be doing now at this time if I didn’t go down this road to college and just did high school and that’s it. I think I choose the better route and it going to shape me into a greater person then I am at the moment as I progress the years in college. Even thinking to myself being in college everyday slowly but surely shapes me in to a successful person everyday. So to think only if my brother wasn’t a positive role model it wouldn’t have probably shaped me to who I am this moment this day.


  1. i agree with you when you say it is hard to get a real job today without having a college education. i always look up to my older sister too. if it wasnt for my older sister, then i wouldnt be the same person i am today either. i understand when you say that your brother was a posotive role model because so is my older sister to me.

  2. I can relate to not having a job. It's even harder for some people i know that can't find a simple job.

    It's good that your brother encouraged you to go to college.

    Have you ever consider asking a relative or a family friend if they have connections for a job for you?

  3. College is something that seems like a necessity with so many people competing for jobs. I never looked up to my older sibling but its good that you looked up to your brother because he was a good role model for you. I too think to myself what I would be doing if I chose not to go to school, and to be honest I’d probably be doing nothing but waste my life. On stupid things and crummy jobs. I hope you stay on the road to stay in school and become a very successful person.

  4. You are so lucky to have a brother like that who can encourage you to do better. I wish I have a brother like that who can be my role model.I can relate to the part when you didn't wanted to go to college,because I had a same thought before I attended college, but my parents encouraged to me to go to college. It's great that you changed your mind and that you like being in school.
