Monday, October 5, 2009



Part of Speech: Adjective

Sentence/Source: Funny in Farsi (pg 127): Without taking a break, I scubbed intensely, trying my best not to inhale the noxious fumes.

context clues: trying my best not to inhale and also my logic I knew.

Def: harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being

original sentnce: The car was running in the gurage and the noxious fumes made me pass out.


Part of Speech: Adjective

Sentence/Source Funny in Farsi (pg123):After having baby-sat for every frugal family in town, I eventually hit the mother lode.

context clues:in the sentnce she had baby-sat for ever family in town.

Def: not wasteful

original ssentance: After having to wash cars for every frugal nighbor in the city , I eventually hit the jack pot.


Part of Speech: Adjective

Sentence/Source: Connect (pg 153)And what are those scripts? some may seem constructive: "You're so talented!"

context clues: my logic I knew this word.

Def: Helping to improve

original sentance: The students were very contructive in thier auto class with helping the teacher lift heavy parts.

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