Thursday, September 24, 2009


My reading habits would be. I would not read everything I would sometimes skim thought the paragraphs. Instead I would read the first sentence and the last sentence in the paragraph. I would read a chapter are so then stop. Go do something else then come back to it. I read better when it quiet and I have plenty of time to read and trying to understand the story. Once in a blue moon I like to go on the roof and read my book. It’s really nice and peaceful. I do not have any strength as a reader. Only if I can relate to what I am reading then I can use my logic to figure out something that I do not know. And I can use context clues to figure it out, but not all the time. My mom loves to read she always reading these big long books really fast .I did not grow up being encourage to read well now that I think about it. I’m not that sure. I might have but I didn’t want to because reading wasn’t really what I like to do and I wanted to go do other things. I think my mom read to me but not that much I was really young and I didn’t remember but when I was reading a book and I didn’t understand what I was reading she would read it and help my understand what it was that I was reading and puts an image in my head to be more aware what it about.


  1. Sometimes I would do that too I would just read the first and last sentence especially when it was a long paragraph. I agree with you that is better to be in a quiet place because you get into the story and you can actually understand it. I cannot read long books because just to see them makes me not want to read I prefer the small ones. However if I see a long book that is interesting I do take the time to read it. It is good to get help from someone when you don't understand something.

  2. Im the same way with reading. I try and get through it and just skim through paragraphs. I never tried going on my roof and reading though maybe it would help. In my family my dad is the big reader. My mom isn't very interested in books that much.

  3. I like the fact that you go on the roof for some peace and quiet. I as well need complete and utter silence when reading. Sometimes when so engrossed in the material (of a particular book), I don’t need the quiet. I would love to have a place to go like that, where you can be completely at ease. A place that you can escape to, somewhere where you can be alone to think if need be.
