Thursday, September 17, 2009


word: dote

part of speech: verb

the source sentence and page number: pg103 Now whenever we visit my relatives all of whom dote on my husband ,i realize that he didn't marry despite my tribe,he married me because of them,

context clues:married because of her family

definition: to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually fol. by on or upon):

original sentence : My family dote on my because i am the youngest boy in the family.

word: strewn

part of speech: verb used with objects

the source sentence and page number : to my delight, i found that the lawn has been strewn with Iranian flags.

context clues: the lawn particles or objects speed thought

definition:to let fall in separate pieces or particles over a surface; scatter or sprinkle: to strew seed in a garden bed.

original sentence: i had to strewn the cow manure all on my front lawn.

word: enviable

part of speech :adjective

the source sentence and page number :pg.98 not sure on wrong page

context clues : Synonyms:advantageous, fortunate, lucky.

definition :worthy of envy; very desirable: an enviable position.

original sentence : I enviable people who have expensive car.

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