Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Word: Strewn

Part of Speech:Verb

Funny in Farsi (pg 113)To my delight, I found that the lawn had been strewn with miniature Iranian flags.

Context Clues:my logic

Def: Spread out or scattered

Original Sentence: I had to strewn ferterlizer across the lawn.

Word: Enviable

Part of Speech: Adjective

Funny in Farsi (pg 98)Even though their condominium has only a tiny garden, they have managed to cultivate an enviable cornucopia of figs, pomegranates, sweet lemons, and herbs.

Context Clues:my own logic


Original Sentence: Eveb though the store didnt have all the cokes we wanted they still had an enviable dink

Word: Deranged

Part of Speech:Adjective

Funny in Farsi (pg 123)I felt like King Tut, expect that I was alive and trapped in the mausoleum with a deranged koala.

Context Clues: my logic

Def: Crazy

Original Sentence:Once in a whiole whenh my mom comes home i feel like she is deranghed beacsue she doesnt know what she saying.

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